Tuesday, December 4, 2018

layout: post title: Use Jinja to create gazebo sdf files categories: gazebo tags: [vscode, gazebo, jinja, sdf]

Jinja 101

Jinja2 is a template engine


pip install Jinja2


{{ }} Print and Evaluate an expression {% %} Statement {# #} Comments

Set variable

{% set title='hello world' %} {{ title }}


  • for loop
{% set names = ['a', 'b', 'c']%} {% for name in names %} {{ loop.index }}: {{name}} {% endfor %} # Output result 1: a 2: b 3: c
Variable Desc
loop.index index loop start with 1
loop.index0 index loop
  • if statment
{% set name='' %} {% if name %} {{ name }} {% else %} no name enter {% endif %}

White space control

use + and - are control whitespace

  • Run the loop example with hyphen at the end of line
{% set names = ['a', 'b', 'c'] -%} {% for name in names -%} {{ loop.index }}: {{name}} {% endfor -%} # same output without line spaces 1: a 2: b 3: c


{%- macro box(x, y, z) -%} <geometry> <box> <size>{{x}} {{y}} {{z}}</size> </box> </geometry> {%- endmacro -%} # Call the macro {{ box(1,1,1) }}

CLI for Jinja2

A CLI interface to Jinja2

  • install
sudo pip install jinja2-cli
  • usage
Usage: jinja2 [options] <input template> <input data>


  • Template
{% if foo is defined -%} foo difined and has value: define {{ foo }} {% endif -%}
  • Test
jinja2 -D foo=foo_value hello.txt.jinja # result foo difined and has value: define foo_value


  • Install vscode ext for better syntax color


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