Thursday, November 15, 2018

MAVLink wireshark lua plugins

Write wireshark extension for mavlink

Write wireshark plugin to parse and display mavlink protocol. Plugin can be write with lua script language or C/C++

install and config wireshark to run as non root user

sudo apt install wireshark # Config wireshark to run as non root user sudo groupadd wireshark sudo usermod -a -G wireshark $USER sudo chgrp wireshark /usr/bin/dumpcap sudo chmod o-rx /usr/bin/dumpcap sudo setcap 'CAP_NET_RAW+eip CAP_NET_ADMIN+eip' /usr/bin/dumpcap sudo getcap /usr/bin/dumpcap
  • Logout and login again
  • Note: the command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common not working for me frowning

Hello lua - Wireshark dissector

Dissector are meant to analyze some part of a packet's data

  • Create file hello.lua
  • paste
print "hello lua\n\n\n"
  • run
tshark -v -Xlua_script:<path>/hello.lua #output ne/Tools/wireshark/hello.lua hello lua TShark (Wireshark)

MAVLink 2 Packet Format

Lua dissector

-- mavlink_protocol = Proto("Mavlink", "Mavlink protocol") mavlink_protocol.fileds = {} -- call for every packet -- buffer: packet data to dissect -- pinfo: columns of the packt -- tree: packet tree items function mavlink_protocol.dissector(buffer, pinfo, tree) length = buffer:len() if length == 0 then return end -- change protocol column value from tcp to Mavlink pinfo.cols.protocol = -- Add subtree item local subtree = tree:add(mavlink_protocol, buffer(), "Mavlink protocol data") end -- Assign protocol to port local udp_port = DissectorTable.get("udp.port") udp_port:add(15540, mavlink_protocol)

source poc

poc source code

Test in wireshark

wireshark -i lo -f "udp port 14540" -Xlua_script:<path>/mavlink.lua

MAVLink generator tool

  • XML: select target XML from mavlink/message_definitions/1.0
  • Out: output directory
  • Language: wlua
  • protocolo: 2.0

Note: minimum.xml parse only heartbeat message


Generated code has bug parse msgid (maybe data from pixhawk are little endian) for know changed the code

  • rshift to lshift
  • shidt index 2,3 and not 1,2
local msgidt1 = buffer(offset,1):uint() offset = offset + 1 local msgidt2 = buffer(offset,1):uint() offset = offset + 1 local msgidt3 = buffer(offset,1):uint() msgidt1 = bit.rshift(msgidt1, 8) msgidt2 = bit.rshift(msgidt2, 16) msgid = msgidt1+msgidt2+msgidt3 header:add(f.msgid, msgid)
local msgidt1 = buffer(offset,1):uint() offset = offset + 1 local msgidt2 = buffer(offset,1):uint() offset = offset + 1 local msgidt3 = buffer(offset,1):uint() msgidt2 = bit.lshift(msgidt2, 8) msgidt3 = bit.lshift(msgidt3, 16) msgid = msgidt1+msgidt2+msgidt3 header:add(f.msgid, msgid)

Tip: run SITL without gui

  • gazebo
  • jmavsim


  • run without gui
HEADLESS=1 make posix_sitl_default gazebo_<model>


  • Disabled jmavsim GUI
setViewType(VIEW_TYPE); setZoomMode(ZOOM_MODE); setVisible(true); // -> setVisible(false) splitPane.resetToPreferredSizes(); toggleReportPanel(false); resetView();
  • Compile jmavsim from <>/Firmware/Tools/jMAVSim run ant to compile java

  • Run SITL

make posix_sitl_default jmavsim


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