Monday, July 30, 2018

Good ROS Tutorials

Here is a list of good ROS tutorials that i done

This project is about using a Two Wheeled Mobile Robot to explore features and tools provided by ROS (Robot Operating System). We start building the robot from the scratch, using URDF (Unified Robot Description Format) and RViz to visualize it. Further, we describe the inertia and show how to simplify the URDF using XACROS. Later, motion planning algorithms, such as Obstacle Avoidance and Bugs 0, 1 and 2 are developed to be used in the built robot. Some ROS packages, like robot_localization, are used to built a map and localize on it.
My source code
5 golden tutorials

My source code

Gaitech EDU is an educational website on robotics and in particular on Robot Operating System (ROS). The objective is to provide an easy-to-follow educational content that helps in better mastering the concepts of ROS and promoting its use for developing robotics software

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